NFT 藝術作品
Death & Love
恐怖離奇系列 Death & Love
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K.S Tan, creator of "Silent Horror", is veteran comic artist from Malaysia. He has illustrated numerous popular children’s books in his career. In 2014, He worked on his first webcomic series titled "Silent Horror" with DarkBox Studio, becoming an international hit with more than 100 million views online.
“Death & Love" is his latest and first NFT collection, featuring 5 unique short video :
Available at Binance NFT website! Search Keyword Death & Love now!
Disclaimer : All copyrights of the original work are properties of the copyright owner. This NFT artwork are limited to self-collection and transferable in the NFT marketplace. You are prohibited to use it for any other commercial purposes out of NFT included the content of the pictures in any media, carrier or merchandises, etc.
馬來西亞知名漫畫家陳慶星,曾經創作了不少兒童漫畫書籍。2014年他和 DarkBox Studio 合作創作了首部網路漫畫《Silent Horror 無聲恐懼》,以沒有對白的惊栗畫面獲得全球漫畫迷的喜愛,收穫超過一億次以上閱覽記錄。
《Death & Love》是他的最新作品,亦是第一個 NFT 動畫短片系列,共有五幅作品:
即日起在幣安NFT網站上架銷售!搜尋關鍵字 Death & Love 吧!