NFT 藝術作品
Heroes of the Centaur Starships - Ip Ming Fat
星艦英雄傳說 - 葉明發

"Heroes of the Centaur Starships" is a Sci-Fi novel written by Taiwanese novelist Calvin Su, which is widely accepted in China.
Ip Ming-Fat is a Hong Kong well-known artist / illustrator / designer who created more than 20 manga titles, and collaborated with various master artist i.e. Ma Wing-Shing, WanYat-Leung, etc.
This NFT art is the original cover art created by Ip Ming-Fat for "Heroes of the Centaur Starships"" novel, in 2,480 x 3,697 pixels JPEG.
Disclaimer : All copyrights of the original work are properties of the copyright owner. This NFT artwork are limited to self-collection and transferable in the NFT marketplace. You are prohibited to use it for any other commercial purposes out of NFT included the content of the pictures in any media, carrier or merchandises, etc.
葉明發為香港知名漫畫家 / 插畫家及設計師。88年起在玉郎機構擔任主筆,先後和文化傳信、馬榮成的天下出版社、溫日良的海洋出版社及鄭建和的壹本創作合作。個人作品包括《不死狂刀》《末日戰狼》《黑豹列傳》《中華英雄外傳》《風流》《孔雀明王》等逾20部。
本NFT是由葉明發所繪製的《星艦英雄傳說》小說封面,JPEG檔案,2,480 x 3,697像素。
To purchase using other coins (i.e. DOGE Coin) kindly contact us via Whatsapp.
如欲以其他加密貨幣(如 : 狗狗幣)購買,請透過Whatsapp 聯繫我們。