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NFT  藝術作品

FEEL  100% by Jeffrey Lau Wan Kit

百分百感覺 - 劉雲傑

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"FEEL 100%" is a 16 episodes, classic romance manga series filled with sense of trendy fashion, city lifestyle and comedy touch. Created by renowned Hong Kong manga artist Jeffrey Lau Wan Kit, the manga was a huge success, and was turned into several high box-office grossing films, TV series and radio show. The manga also received "Gold Award of 2nd Japan international Manga Award" in 2008.

The story was about 2 young and talented buddies, Lok and Jerry, living in their bachelor life happily and freely, aim to find their 100 points perfect girl as their one true love. When they both found Cherie the perfect girl, Lok and Jerry did all their tricks to win her heart. Their path crossed in different timeline, and left an unforgivable marks in their hearts.

"FEEL 100%" Vol.1 is a limited copies NFT manga, reformatted as a 134-page PDF file. Vol.2 coming soon.

©2021 Culturecom Holdings Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Exclusive licensed to Dragon & Tiger Heroes Media Group Ltd. Exclusive NFT published by MAVO Studio.

《百分百感覺》為劉雲傑筆下的漫畫作品,共出版了16集,成為香港都市時尚愛情漫畫的經典作。漫畫被改編成多齣電影及連續劇,在香港及海外均有相當銷量及口碑。2008年,《百分百感覺》獲日本外務省頒發的第二屆日本國際漫畫賞「最優秀賞 Gold Award」。

《百分百感覺》主要講述兩個走在時尚尖端的年輕人許樂和 Jerry,遊戲人間,做事全憑感覺,只想找到心目中值得100分的女孩成為戀人。當他們同時找到了100分的女孩Cherie,並各出奇謀展開追求時,這兩男一女的關係從此在不同的時間點碰撞,在各自的心理刻下永恆的愛恨印記。


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